Jan 16th, 2021

How To Do Web Scraping Amazon With Scrapy

Scrapy is one of the most accessible tools that you can use to scrape and also spider a website with effortless ease.

Today lets see how we can scrape Amazon to get reviews for let say the Apple Air pods.

Here is the URL we are going to scrape https://www.amazon.com/Apple-AirPods-Charging-Latest-Model/dp/B07PXGQC1Q?pf_rd_p=35490539-d10f-5014-aa29-827668c75392&pf_rd_r=6T723HNZTK1TCR53MSAG&pd_rd_wg=U5S97&ref_=pd_gw_ri&pd_rd_w=rFFcu&pd_rd_r=9ea5f81c-8328-4375-bf2c-874e4f045991#customerReviews

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